Frequently Asked Questions

Having a personal nurse navigator to accompany you on your healthcare journey will alleviate the stress that comes with caregiving and improve your quality of life. Let us partner with you to provide exceptional support and guidance every step of the way.

Do you have a centralized way to share information?

Yes, we have a secure patient portal that allows for the scheduling of appointments, payments, and patient access to the nurse’s notes after each visit. This electronic health record allows all the information to be organized in one place for reference and can be shared with the patient’s care team as needed.

Can a nurse go to an appointment with me?

Yes, we can arrange for a nurse to accompany you to an appointment to help you ask questions, advocate for you with your care team, clarify information and, if you want, relay it to your loved ones.

What are the benefits of Hummingbird Concierge?

We provide services that patients and families are desperately seeking, but are hard to find. Having a personal nurse navigator to coordinate new, complex, or chronic health conditions, act as a compassionate, experienced sounding board for your concerns, and provide professional guidance will help alleviate the stress that comes with caregiving and improve your quality of life. Let us partner with you to provide exceptional support and guidance every step of the way.